



General Secretary

Roenstr. 12

I-39100 Bozen (BZ)

tel: +39 333 9751248

fax: +39 0471 262802

Bozen, 22/05/2008

IFA approvation of fistball models

Dear member federations,

please find following a new important notice regarding IFA approved fistballs:

Actually fistballs that are approved by IFA are solely 4 models from producer “RGW”

that are marked by the label “IFA Approved”.

The license of these 4 balls runs out on March 31, 2009. After having announced the

cessation of production, RGW got a large amount of orders, so that actually there is a

delay in production and delivery. The manufacturer, in any case confirmed that all

orders placed before March 31, 2008 will be fulfilled within the end of summer c.y.

IFA-License for this balls run out on April 1


, 2009.

During the executive meeting held on April 12, 2008, IFA opened the guidelines

concerning “ball rights and placing”, so that from now on a larger number of ball

producers and dealers is invited to let their fistballs being proved and accepted by the

International Fistball Association.

At the same time, the executive board also discussed on several new requests of IFA

approves and accepted the technical release of various models. After a given

agreements between IFA and producers, this fistballs are expected to become

approved by International Fistball Association and authorized to be played in the

highest national series of all member federations.

On April 30, 2008 the first IFA-approvation was given to the fistball “Sportastic

number 1” (mens fistball for dry surface), so that since May 1


, 2008 and for now

until March 31, 2012, this model is authorized to be played. Orders may be placed at

following address:

Sportastic HandelsgesmbH

Gewerbepark 73

A-9710 Feistritz/Drau

Tel.: +43 (0) 4245 40000

Fax: +43 (0) 4245 40000 11 ||

Other sources of supply especially in Germany and Switzerland will be furnished at a

later date.

A ladies ball is actually passing through the testing phase and will be offered soon.

The International Fistball Association will inform you immediately on further approves

of new fistballs.

Best regards,

IFA - International Fistball Federation


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